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We teamed up with prenatal fitness clothing company, Fitbump for the month of May to offer a limited edition 60 min combo class geared towards expectant moms called FitbumpFLEX.  The class combined 20 min each of FlexPilates, FlexBarre & FlexTRX.  Fitbumb also opened up their first ever pop-up shop inside the studio!  We also brought in some great prenatal companies like Mio Skincare, Bundle Organics Juice, Fluro Water, and nutritionist/mom-to-be, Samantha Lynch, R.D. to help nourish our hard working mamas! The event was a huge success with full houses of bumps burning every week! Here are some highlights from the month..  …

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10 minute express anywhere workout!

Stay #Flexy without letting your summer vacation get in the way! Check out this 10 minute hotel room or anywhere workout! If you are on  a beach try using the sand as your mat for a challenge! Do these 5 exercises for 1 minute each and then repeat once for your 10 minute full body workout. Bring that flexy body to the beach and still feel great after you are away from us for a week or 2. ( Of course you could also repeat it 3 or 4 times to make me extra proud!) XOXO…

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